The module "rotate"
a VHDL implementation of the Cordic Algorithm

The VHDL module "rotate" (see symbol) rotates vectors. Vector rotation is normally done by the use of sine- and cosine-function.
But these functions are not available in a digital design. So the Cordic-algorithm is used for the rotation.

The module supports the Cordic-rotation mode (rotation by a given angle) and the Cordic vectoring-mode (rotation to x-axis).
The module executes the maximum number of Cordic micro-rotations which are possible based on the number of bits the operands have (configured by the generics).
The module extends the operands by additional least significant bits if the generic g_improve_accuracy is set to true.
The latency of the module can be configured (by generics) independently from the number of micro-rotations.

This means, the module is configurable by generics in order

But of course there is no guarantee that timing closure can be reached with the selected values
for the generics, as the timing depends on the technology which is used at synthesis.

The module "rotate" was developed with HDL-SCHEM-Editor.


Port name Direction Description
res_i input asynchronous reset input, 1-active
clk_i input clock input
vector_mode_i input When 1: the module works in vector-mode.
When 0: the module works in rotation-mode. Must be stable during the calculation time.
start_i input This input expects an 1-active impulse of 1 clock cycle width in order to start the calculation.
x_coord_i(g_coordinate_width-1:0) input Signed x-coordinate of the vector, which has to be rotated (g_coordinate_width is a generic).
The input value is latched at start=1.
y_coord_i(g_coordinate_width-1:0) input Signed y-coordinate of the vector, which has to be rotated (g_coordinate_width is a generic).
The input value is latched at start=1.
rotation_angle_i(g_angle_width-1:0) input Signed angle the vector has to be rotated by (used only in rotation-mode)(g_angle_width is a generic).
The smallest negative number is interpreted as -180 degrees, the biggest positive number is interpreted as "short" before +180 degrees.
If 45 degree has to be entered here, the value is calculated by 45/360 * 2**g_angle_width.
The input value is latched at start=1.
ready_o output 1-active impulse of 1 clock cycle width, when the calculations are ready (at latency 0 it gets active in the same clock cycle in which start_i gets active).
x_coord_o(g_coordinate_width:0) output Signed x-coordinate of the rotated vector (which has 1 bit more than the input x-coordinate). Valid at ready_o=1. Stable between 2 impulse at ready_o if g_latency_fix_cordic_length!=0 or g_latency_shorten_vector!=0.
y_coord_o(g_coordinate_width:0) output Signed y-coordinate of the rotated vector (which has 1 bit more than the input y-coordinate). Valid at ready_o=1. Stable between 2 impulse at ready_o if g_latency_fix_cordic_length!=0 or g_latency_shorten_vector!=0.
rotation_angle_o(g_angle_width-1:0) output In vector-mode this output shows the signed angle of the incoming vector, in rotation-mode it is 0 (or near 0). Valid at ready_o=1. Not stable between 2 impulses at ready_o, changes during calculation. The output has the same coding as rotation_angle_i.


Generic name Minimum Value Maximum Value Description
g_angle_width 4 666 Number of bits of the angles
The maximum limit is caused by the constant c_cordic_correction_factor (module rotate_fix_cordic_length) and by the constant c_delta_phi (module rotate_by_cordic_step). This limit is only correct, if g_coordinate_width=663 and g_latency_rotate_by_cordic=664 (no dummy micro-rotations are needed, see "Configuration of latency").
g_coordinate_width 2 663 Number of bits of the coordinates
The maximum limit is caused by the constant c_cordic_correction_factor (module rotate_fix_cordic_length) and by the constant c_delta_phi (module rotate_by_cordic_step). This limit is only correct, if g_angle_width=666 and g_latency_rotate_by_cordic=664 (no dummy micro-rotations are needed, see "Configuration of latency").
g_latency_lengthen_vector 0 1 Latency of the sub-module which lengthens the vector to the possible maximum length
Bigger values than 1 are handled as 1.
g_latency_rotate_by_90 0 1 Latency of the sub-module which rotates the vector by 90 degree
Bigger values than 1 are handled as 1.
g_latency_rotate_by_cordic 0 664 Latency of the sub-module which implements the cordic algorithm
g_latency_fix_cordic_length 0 1 Latency of the sub-module which corrects the distortion of the vector length introduced by the cordic algorithm
Bigger values than 1 are handled as 1.
g_latency_shorten_vector 0 1 Latency of the sub-module which shortens the vector to its original length
Bigger values than 1 are handled as 1.
g_improved_accuracy false true If set to true, then additional bits are used for the internal adders.
How many additional bits are used is calculated by log2(number of micro-rotations).

The module "rotate" is a hierarchical module, which is built by several submodules.

Submodule name Functionality

The Cordic algorithm changes the coordinates of the incoming vector at each iteration by a small delta.
These deltas are calculated by shifting the previous coordinates to the right by a number which is incremented at each iteration.
As soon as this delta has the value 0, no more iterations can be executed, even if iterations are left.
But when iterations are not executed, the result has a bad accuracy.

To avoid this situation, the module rotate_lengthen_vector shifts both the incoming coordinates to the left (by the same number of bits)
in order to make them as big as possible before the Cordic algorithm is started.
The number of left shifts is stored and will be used at the end to decrease the resulting vector to its original length.

The latency of the module can be configured to be 0 (combinatorial circuit) or 1 (sequential circuit with 1 flipflop stage).


The Cordic algorithm can only rotate vectors by -90 to +90 degrees.
So there is a problem when in rotation mode the rotation angle is smaller than -90 degree or bigger than +90 degree.
The same problem exists, when in vector mode the incoming vector is in 2. or 4. quadrant.

The problem is solved by first rotating the incoming vector by 90 degrees (in the correct direction) by simply switching and negating its coordinates.

The latency of the module can be configured to be 0 (combinatorial circuit) or 1 (sequential circuit with 1 flipflop stage).


This module is built by the two submodules rotate_control (small FSM) and rotate_by_cordic_step and by additionally necessary glue logic.

The combinatorial submodule rotate_by_cordic_step executes 1 micro-rotation of the Cordic algorithm. Which micro-rotation is executed is configured by an input which is controlled by the submodule rotate_control. As only 1 micro-rotation is executed, the module has to be instantiated several times and/or has to be used again several times.

The exact structure of the submodule rotate_by_cordic is automatically determined by the generics g_coordinate_width, g_angle_width and g_latency_rotate_by_cordic. The module contains the infrastructure to reuse the submodule rotate_by_cordic_step several times.

The latency of the module can be configured to be 0 (combinatorial circuit) or different from 0 (sequential circuit). When the configured latency is 0, then for each micro-rotation a submodule rotate_by_cordic_step is instantiated. When the latency is identical to the needed number of micro-rotations, then the submodule rotate_by_cordic_step is instantiated only once. See tab "Configuration of latency" for some examples.


Each Cordic micro-rotation changes the length of the vector, which is rotated. These changes are ignored in the submodule rotate_by_cordic and are fixed here. As all the changes sum up to a constant factor, the length of the vector can easily be fixed by a multiplication.

The latency of the module can be configured to be 0 (combinatorial circuit) or 1 (sequential circuit with 1 flipflop stage).


This submodule reverses the change of the vector length which was introduced by the submodule rotate_lengthen_vector. This is done by shifting the coordinates to the right by the same number of bits they were shifted to the left in submodule rotation_lengthen_vector.

The latency of the module can be configured to be 0 (combinatorial circuit) or 1 (sequential circuit with 1 flipflop stage).

Configuration considerations for g_angle_width and g_coordinate_width:

The cordic algorithm works by dividing the rotation of the vector in several micro-rotations.
The implemented number of micro-rotations depends on the two generics g_angle_width and g_coordinate_width.

As the module "rotation" can be used in vector-mode and also in rotation-mode,
the number of implemented micro-rotations is made equal to the maximum of g_angle_width-2 and g_coordinate_width+1.

If a configuration fulfills the equation g_angle_width-2=g_coordinate_width+1 or g_angle_width=g_coordinate_width+3,
neither delta-angle nor delta-values are 0 at any micro-rotation (this is true for delta-values only because of the help of
the sub-module "rotate_lengthen_vector") and the rotation-direction can always be correctly updated.

When this equation is not fulfilled, then there are 2 cases:

So in vector-mode the equation g_angle_width<=g_coordinate_width+3 should be fulfilled.

In rotation-mode the equation g_angle_width>=g_coordinate_width+3 should be fulfilled.

The generics g_latency_lengthen_vector, g_latency_rotate_by_90, g_latency_fix_cordic_length, g_latency_shorten_vector
work all in the same way:

Which value for each of the generics shall be used, depends on the connected logic and the used
technology and must be derived from the synthesis timing reports and from the requirements.

The generic g_latency_rotate_by_cordic for the submodule rotate_by_cordic works in a different way:

If for example g_latency_rotate_by_cordic=max(g_angle_width-2, g_coordinate_width+1) then the latency is equal to the number of micro-rotations
and only 1 micro-rotation has to be done in 1 clock cycle, so the submodule rotate_by_cordic_step is only instantiated once.

If for example g_latency_rotate_by_cordic is 16 and the number of micro-rotations is 30, then 2 micro-rotations have to be done in 1 clock cycle,
so the submodule rotate_by_cordic_step is instantiated twice and the number of micro-rotations is increased to 32 (16 clock cycles with each
2 micro-rotations). In the last 2 unnecessary dummy micro-rotations no rotation is performed, but the submodule rotate_by_cordic_step passes the
operands unchanged.

An exact result can only be created, if infinite micro-rotations are executed, which is not possible.

The number of micro-rotations, which the module uses, depends on the number of bits of the coordinates and the angle.
If you increase the number of bits, the results are improved not only by the increased number of micro-rotations but also by the increased bit width.
If the latency of the module is not adapted to the new number of micro-rotations, then more micro-rotations might have to be done in a clock cycle.
And of course all adders in the module have to handle more bits. Both effects make it more difficult to reach timing closure.

In order to increase accuracy without increasing the number of bits you can set the generic g_improved_accuracy to "true".
Then the module rotate calculates how many additional bits should be used internally at the adders to improve accuracy.
The number of micro-rotations is not increased. So reaching timing closure is only affected by the adders with more bits.

Setting the generics in a way that the equation g_angle_width=g_coordinate_width+3 is fulfilled also helps to get
better accuracy, because then there will be no micro-rotation at which either the delta-values for the coordinates or
the delta-angle for the angle has the value 0.

Accuracy in vector-mode (if g_angle_width=g_coordinate_width+3 is fulfilled):

If g_improved_accuracy is "false", then:

If g_improved_accuracy is "true", then:

In this second case the accuracy is independent from the number of bits coordinates and angle have,
as the number of additional bits is also adapted when the number of bits of coordinates and angles is changed.

Accuracy in rotation-mode (if g_angle_width=g_coordinate_width+3 is fulfilled):

If g_improved_accuracy is "false", then:

If g_improved_accuracy is "true", then:

In this second case the accuracy is independent from the number of bits coordinates and angle have,
as the number of additional bits is also adapted when the number of bits of coordinates and angles is changed.

symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol

Source code for HDL-SCHEM-Editor and HDL-FSM-Editor for module "rotate" and its testbenches (Number of downloads = 103 ).
With these files the schematics and the state-diagram can be loaded into HDL-SCHEM-Editor or HDL-FSM-Editor and can be easily read and modified:

All module VHDL-files of the module "rotate" (Number of downloads = 96 ).
These files were generated by HDL-SCHEM-Editor and HDL-FSM-Editor:

All testbench VHDL-files of the 2 testbenches of the module "rotate" (Number of downloads = 96 ).
These files were generated by HDL-SCHEM-Editor and HDL-FSM-Editor:

Relocation hints:

You should extract all archives into a folder named "rotate".
Then you must replace "M:/gesicherte Daten/Programmieren/VHDL/rotate" in all "hdl_editor_designs/*.hse" source files by your path to this directory.
Now you can navigate through the design by HDL-SCHEM-Editor and generate HDL by HDL-SCHEM-Editor for all modules except rotate_control,
for which the HDL must be generated by HDL-FSM-Editor.
Of course there is only need for generating HDL, if you change something at the modules, because you can find the HDL in and
If you want to simulate or modify the modules by HDL-SCHEM-Editor you also must adapt the information in the Control-tab of the toplevel you want to work on.
There you must define a "Compile through hierarchy command", an "Edit command", the path to your HDL-FSM-Editor and a "Working directory".

Change log:

Version 1.2 (18.10.2024):

Version 1.1 (04.03.2024):

Version 1.0 (31.01.2024):

If you detect any bugs or have any questions,
please send a mail to "".